Our body is exposed to toxins each day through the food, air, water, and environment. These toxins are processed by our body and then eliminated safely. In this process our body in due course of time, gets over loaded with toxin build up in the liver and digestive systems. This results in weight gain, hormone imbalances, and loss of energy. You can tell someone is “sick with toxins” when you meet them in the morning and find bags under their eyes, they have body aches, and gain weight even if they have been apparently not doing anything wrong or different. This in the long run leads to diseases. This can be controlled by getting rid of the toxins from the body, improving and clearing up the environment, and adopting a healthy eating habit.

It has long been said that “all disease starts in the gut” so it only makes sense to start the healing there. Toxins build up cause gas, bloating, heart burn, constipation/diarrhoea, and inflammation. The damage done by these toxins create a leaky gut which allows toxins to enter the blood stream and get to wherever they want in the body.  
Ways in which these toxins cause diseases and weight gain are:  
  • Production of inflammatory chemicals 
  • Taking your good nutrients and making them into toxins 
  • Creating more sugars in the gut leading to more fat storage and weight gain 
  • Poisoning of mitochondria (cells that generate energy)   
  • Slowing the liver detoxification process leading to fatty liver and weight gain  

We need to stop the damage and clean up the gut to make sure we are eliminating toxins properly through the stool.  First, we need to eliminate things like Tylenol, ibuprofen, and naproxen as their use causesinflammation and leaky gut. Next, we need to limit or stop alcohol for two weeks. Lastly, we need to stop eating High Fructose Corn Syrup.  Anything that is not real food needs to be eliminated for two weeks
During the two weeks of changing the diet, we need to work on sealing up the gut and addressing any underlying infections. These “bad bugs” cause inability to lose weight and reduce energy. It is suggested that one must be using one or two different bug killers, for sealing up the gut and removing the weeds in the gut. Adding fiber is crucial to the elimination process of gut toxins. Without fiber most people will not be able to eliminate. Historically, our diet used to consist of eating over 75 grams of fiber per day and now we eat only 5 grams!! 
Once the gut is working better, the next step needs to be restoration of the liver. At night the liver requires a large amount of blood flow for its functioning. It makes sense as this is when you are “washing” the toxins away to wake up and eliminate them through urine and stool.  Supporting the liver requires many different nutrients making it hard to get them all in from the diet. It is thus advised to undergo a 2-week detoxification program for the liver to improve the gut function. It is easy to accomplish with effort.  Elimination of toxins allows the body to speed up the metabolism through having good bugs in the gut and improved mitochondrial function in the cells.  
 By following these guidelines, not only does one lose weight, but gets to have more energy. The skin can clear up, the hormones function better leading to better sex drive, an increase in muscle gains, and better sleep.  
Lastly, we need to clean up the products we use in the house. Personal hygiene products, house hold cleaners, water filters, and air purifiers are all ways to get less toxins into the body.

Posted By Mr. Subhabrata Bhattacharjee, Lifestyle Coach, Founder Director, Mantra

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